Cristina Savin

The idea was to create shapes that don’t conform to the standard geometric rules but seem to flow through the fabric while retaining that artistic quality of oil painting.
Made with passion and dedication, made of 100% natural silk, these luxury scarves complete any outfit and bring with them a note of glamor, being perfect both for a casual, everyday outfit and for more formal or business outfits. .
The idea was to create shapes that do not conform to the standard geometric rules, which seem to flow through the fabric and which retain that artistic quality of oil painting.
Whether finished in contrasting, bright colors, pastel tones or black and white, all models have a warm and welcoming touch.
I find it fascinating how a simple scarf means something different to each of us, and that makes us unique.
To be UNIQUE – this is the word that cancels out all the differences between us and unites us.
Whether worn around the neck, as a hair accessory, around your wrist or as a way to compliment your favorite handbag, a Cristina Savin scarf is perfect to accentuate a certain style and to give that distinct touch to any outfit!
You will love it, because you are different, because you know, like me, that the world is full of magic and because you love to make a statement through absolutely everything you surround yourself with.
Letters from me
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