Completing your space to be everything it can be.

People have never understood that one cannot fight mediocrity through pain alone. Not much changes through culture or spirit; but through pain, something does change.

What is best in me comes from pain. I neither love it nor condemn it.

– Emil Cioran


Date of birth: 13.03.1989

2014 – Graduated from Accademia di Belle Arti Venezia, Bachelor’s degree level II

2012 – Graduated from Accademia di Belle Arti Venezia, Bachelor’s degree




Personal Expositions:

2023 – “Hexol anniversary exhibition” – Ramada by Wyndham, Oradea

2021 – “Cyclical Genesis” – Galateca Art Galery, Bucharest

2015 – County’s Library “GHEORHE SINCAI”, Oradea, Soul’s Picture.

2015 – The Main Aula of the Salonta City Hall – Soul’s Picture.

Group Expositions (Selection)

2021 – Contemporary Art Exhibition (Atelier 35) “Total Freedom” – Oradea, Art galery – Reperaj, Citadel.

2021 – Contemporary Art Exhibition “Stories about Europe” – Oradea, Art galery – Reperaj, Citadel, Art Critic Magda Cârneci

2019 – PAS DE DEUX – Oradea, Art Galery – Reperaj, Citadel. Art Critic – Calin Dan, manager of the Museum of Contemporary Art

2018 – IMPACT – Exhibition Oradea, Art galery – Reperaj, Citadel.

2017 – Painting Group Exhibition – organized by ArtisanArt by Gina Dragomir, Timişoara.

2017 – Group Exhibition within TEDxOradea Adventures – Meet the Ladies – organized by Ladies, Wine & Design Oradea and Manifest pentru Oradea.

2012 – CENTRO D’ARTE SAN VIDAL – U.C.A. Scoletta din San Zaccaria Venezia – Proiezioni d’Arte Futura.

2009-2014 – Art Night Venezia – between 2009-2014, inside of Accademia di Belle Arti Venezia.

Hobbies & Interests

When art becomes your profession, it transcends the typical concept of a ‘job.’ For me, creating art is not just a career or a profession; it’s a lifelong commitment and my greatest passion.

I also use my talent to give back to society, passionately donating paintings for auctions organized to support noble causes.

I am fascinated by traveling, as I love exploring new places and discovering things I haven’t seen before. Each journey reveals something new about myself.

Music is another of my favorite hobbies; it energizes me and often serves as a source of inspiration for my work.